July 28, 2024 marks Goldie's 3rd Anniversary of her death in a USDA-licensed puppy mill. Please use the ASPCA's easy online form to send a message to Congress to support Goldie's Act!

Raw and Uncut: USDA Videos of the Puppy Mill in Iowa where Goldie, other dogs suffered & died

The Golden Retriever in the videos below is "Goldie" (Golden Retriever #142)

Certificate 42-A-1632 Daniel Gingerich USDA APHIS Inspection Videos (191 videos - link to Dropbox to view or download).

These videos below are part of a collection of 15 USDA videos. Watch the actual USDA inspection footage recorded in 2021 at Maple Hill Puppies, a puppy mill located in Iowa and owned by Daniel Gingerich where Goldie suffered and died along with other dogs.

USDA Video 1 of 15 - Goldie (Golden Retriever #142) shown in this video
USDA Video 2 of 15
USDA Video 3 of 15
USDA Video 4 of 15
USDA Video 5 of 15
USDA Video 6 of 15
USDA Video 7 of 15 - Goldie (Golden Retriever #142) shown in this video
USDA Video 8 of 15
USDA Video 9 of 15
USDA Video 10 of 15 - Goldie (Golden Retriever #142) shown in this video
USDA Video 11 of 15
USDA Video 12 of 15
USDA Video 13 of 15
USDA Video 14 of 15
USDA Video 15 of 15
You Can Save Dogs Who Are Suffering

Goldie’s story is tragic, but this bill can prevent other dogs from meeting her fate. Don’t delay: Use the form on the ASPCA'S website to email your Legislators to urge them to support Goldie’s Act - It's quick and easy. Thank you, advocates!

Take Me To The Form

It’s too late to save Goldie, but we can prevent other dogs from meeting her fate

Please Support Goldie's Act H.R.1788 / S.4033 (links to house.gov)

Goldie's Act Illustration of a dog's head reaching over bars
Goldie's Act Illustration courtesy of the ASPCA's Support Goldie’s Act to Protect Dogs in Puppy Mills

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